
I lived in NYC during the 90s. It was a transitional time between the grittier, dirtier version of the City that emerged out of the 80’s and the Disneyfied version that took root in the aughts. It was such an important time and it truly defined what I am today. I’d visit friends and go up for work afterwards, but it was never the immersive experience I had when I lived there. On each return trip it became clearer to me that I’d evolved along with (and apart from) the City. So on the 21st anniversary of my departure, I went back for 21 days to see what had changed and what remained.  For me the experience was akin to seeing an old friend after many years, wondering why I would have ever left and assured that it was best course of action.


21 Days : NYC was debuted at a Solo exhibition at the Baltimore Creative Alliance’s Amalie Rothschild Gallery in the Summer of 2019.

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